My Man Jeeves
The works of P.G. Wodehouse made it into recent news. Apparently some publisher is going back and editing some "offensive" stuff to make it "appropriate for modern audiences." I've been working on a little tool to help me quickly format releases in a way that don't force me to rely on any online publishing tool. So as a test I thought it would be fun to release a free un-edited version of My Man Jeeves, the first in the Jeeves and Wooster series by P.G. Wodehouse.
It should be better formatted than the one on Gutenberg. I often make new epubs for myself of public domain works from there, because I hate their automatic formatting and long legalese that they stick in every book.
I hadn't read any of these, and was barely aware of the Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry BBC version until the censorship story hit social media. I just started reading it, and it's pretty funny.
Ok, no more blather, here's the epub: My Man Jeeves (epub)
Here's the cover I whipped up:

Be sure to check out Misha Burnett's Dark Fantasies, it's really good.